Monday, December 28, 2009


  I think for so long time do plan a suprise bday party for her.. -_- Bt now no use le ba.. Nvm lar since she wan clubbing, she happy jiu hao lor =] 2nite at home is such boring.. Doin nth and jz listen to those love songs.. hah.. =P Duno 2nite can sleep mar.,2molo afternoon goin find job d.. Wish myself goodluck lur ^^


  Disappointed again.. what a night.. HAIH

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Night night night.. ...zzz

  zZz.. Wad is night? Night is da time for human beings to slp, rest and ready for 2molo~ But me~ heheeeeeeeeeeeee.. almost everynight also nonid slp =] wad a superman am I ..

  I wan to hug u for a sweet dream and sleep well as we hugging 2gether.. Ha~ I think 2nite i cant sleep well again le ba.. Even sleep also argue.. ...........................

  Everynight b4 I slp.. I hope dat I can hug u when Im sleeping.. =( Bt at last, I used to hug my pillow slp d..

  I love her <3 Seems like I dy xi guan my life fullfilled wif her..

  Every morning wake d, 1st thing to do = sms her.. Everytime go out, 1st thing to do = sms her.. Everytime happy, 1st thing to do = sms her.. Everytime sad, 1st thing to do = sms her.. Everytime miss her, 1st thing to do = sms her.. Everytime look at her pic, 1st thing to do = fucking miss her.. Everytime saw couples paktor thr, 1st thing to do = miss her.. Everytime b4 slp, 1st thing to do = fon her and giv her a kiss.. Everytime tears drop, 1st thing to do = miss her and think bout her..
  Bii.. Almost every minute.. I also missing eu.. Bt u alwz say me.. lidis jiu miss miss miss.. U dun know that I am reali so miss u bt not a sweet words dat say to u..

  Now u are slping bside me.. Bt I cant touch u,cant hug u.. Jz can look at u from another side.. Goodnite le my honey.. sweet dream..

Friday, December 25, 2009


  Hope that U can do wad u promise me.. Wont sms who and bla bla bla.. As I promise u , I din go reply those girls..

xmas nite..

  Xmas eve~ I go jor watch alvin and the chipmunk wif her and frens.. bt we watch 11.30pm de,so we countdown in cinema~ xD haha..

  B4 dat jz said, dy 4 days din c her d,I really miss her badly.. I tot she saw me will hav da same happiness and hug me. But i think i dissapointed le ba.. After movie we go seh poh kio eat le den go 4tianG..

  Hmm, after reach home she jiu slp le.. I sooooooo miss her gt so many thgs wanna talk to her.. wanna hav a sweet kiss wif her.. wanna hug her tightly.. But none of dat happen. =( Seriously, I m quite moody and dissapointed.. Nite le..

Thursday, December 24, 2009

xmas coming le..

   Dis few nights also need to work,so I cant go and find my bii for 4dayssssss.. T_T I miss her badly.. Even dream also dream about her =x LOL~ I think she also miss me baaa.. hehe..
   But laz night argue le.. Reali so bad mood and cant sleep for the whole night.. Lucky nite din work, bt go watch mv wif my bii =D ngek ngek ngek~ Actually I not miss her that much, but my hp de background pic...~!!!! make me reali cant control myself not to think about her <3

   Bii.. I miss u so much.. Tou tou de tell eu at here can le =] love u ^^

Monday, December 21, 2009


Some pics that capture at bii's house when we going out for my birthday de dinner =D couple-T~!! my bii edit de ^^

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Speechless.. My fault =]

  Normall I back from her home in midnite just need 10min.. But 2day.. I use jor 40min.. =] Maybeeeeeeeeeeee my tears block my seek to move faster? or I already very blur to the road that infront of me.. I dun know.. Just now ate supper at Mcd wif her,Miko, Dzai, Sam and Jessie. B4 Dzai dem come, I straight win jor 4 game de Chor Dai Dee, bt Sam sit down nia I nvr win d =,= swtz.. Fuck him o0o xD
Nth much to say about 2day.. So tired after work.. Bt more tired after argue.. Anyway I dun think I can sleep today.. Hope myself all the best ba.. =]

Thursday, December 17, 2009

My birthday =]

  Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee~ <3 My birthday!!! ngek ngek ngek~ Quite happy when jz reach 12am., coz quite many ppl wish me in facebook and through sms =D heheheeee~ But most happy is my slp jor de bii wake up and giv me a kiss say happy bday to me. ( Although she slp back after wish me ) xD wakakaka..

  Woohoo~~ About 2pm baaaaaa~ I go prangin wif my bii. Then she bought me laconic de couple necklace =D wheee.. /play cool I tot she wont buy me present coz got dat couple shirt d =x Bt abit xim tia, cz bii pay it, quite expensive luu. Hmm~ Then after that we go to Gurney paktor shopping~ We hav our lunch at Manilla place~ >< 4get to take pic. Ishh~~!! kek sei me ler!! @@ Then shopping time~ wahahaha~ Bii buy jor 1 shirt and 1 for me..  Then we go back her home to bath and change our couple shirt =D ngek ngek ngek~~~ So many ppl say our couple shirt nice and also our necklace luuu~ ^^"

  About dinner.. I reali dunwan to mention about it.. =] Coz its reali spoil da whole day de mood.. 2 table zhu char.. U guess how much is it..???? HAH!!! Rm1220!!! =] wtf.. My wallet kena 1 big h0le d =,=" Bt at least she is bside me, I stil feel vr happy..
  Then We go to watch Couple Retreats after dinner about 12.05am.. Not reali nice ler, bt when da Yoga part, reali so funny.. Da whole cinema laugh like siao lang -.-" I also wan try lidis de Yoga d =x
  Biiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~ Thx for celebrate my bday wif me <3 I l0ve u so muchhhhieeeeeeeeee~~ about 2.30am I send my bii back home luuu. My bday end wif a sweet kiss wif my bii =x hehe.. <3

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Roger's birthday~ ^^

  Last Sat we celebrate Roger's birthday at Sega Fredo~~ At first is plan at Coffee Island de,bt at last coz of dat Angel den we change to Sega Fredo xD I 1st time celebrate wif him, coz b4 dat I nt reali know him =x ngek ngek ngek~ We play 51 at there, lose de need drink beer~ Dat za bor come play 1 match nia, lose d. Drink 1 mouth nia, mabuk mabuk d xD wakakakak`~ so beh ki =x Den I also drink quite much, my whole body red red and start hot~ But we reali do enjoy that night =D Then Sun we go to Redbox cheong K~ wakakaka~ I just keep shout nia -_- hehehehe =x And at there Roger cut cake and we sing bday song 2gether~ whee~~ ^^"


Saturday, December 5, 2009

What a night..

  I reali so sad and disappointed tonight.. Wad u promised me, u r jz lie-ing.. U cant do it. hah.. Nvm le ba, I jz open one eye close one eye enuf le.. Coz I reali so tired of being argue fr everyday,juz now argued again.. Hmm.. Sit at gurney drive dere, let me think back dat day.. when we break up.. and how we 2gether back at there.. Da feeling and all those promises between u and me.. Fail.. totally fail.. My fault~ I know~ Im nt a gud bf, not caring~ duno road~ no money~ easy jealous~ bla bla bla.. hah.. If u r goin to find a better one,u can leave me alone. I will wish u,bt i m goin sad n down. Or mayb cry for a couple of weeks for everynite? LOL. Now u r sleeping bside me.. I look at u,dat xing fu feeling had gone.. Now just left sad and feel like we r going 2 leave each other.,mayb cz we jz finish argue so i feel so ba.. Bcoz of u, I can reject my teamate and tell dem im not going 2 play dat dota on9 competition. Why? Coz for me,u r more important than everything. Comparing dota and u, dota jz a piece of shit in my eyes, bt u r like a diamond and treasure for me.. I really so appreciate u.. I love u honey. Hope that our relationship can last long.. Hope so ba..

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Sweet Night~

  Wheeee~ Wednesday nite pasar malam~ I plan to go there walk walk and buy things ei, manazai~~~ raininG!!! wtf -_- so I 7pm jiu go le, go dere buy jor food and milkshake then go find my ahbiii =D
ngek ngek ngek~ But ahbii she work too tired le ba, 9sumthing then sleep d. I lay bside her and watch Stephen Chow de mv looorr. When I watch till bored le, then turn go see my ahbii sleep de face =x then tou tou de kiss her ~ wahahaha! shhh =x  later she mok me ^^" Lidis watch mv watch till 1am then I back home le >.<" But I still feel happy, cz I can stay beside her and accompany her sleep =D